Our Annual Report 2019-20

Read our Annual Report to find out more about our work between 2019 - 2020.
About us
We are the independent champion for people who use health and social care services in Sutton.
We are here to find out what matters to people, and help make sure their views shape the support they need. We also help people find the information they need about local services.
Our year in numbers
- Last year, over 1,600 people shared their views, ideas and experiences about health and social care with us.
- We helped 1,098 people access Healthwatch advice and information online, by phone and face-to-face.
- Our volunteers gave up over 2000 hours to help us carry out our work.
- We published 3 reports about the improvements people would like to see with their health and social care.
- We used this information to make 9 recommendations to services about the improvements people want to see.
Highlights from the year
Healthwatch Sutton receives highly commended recognition at national awards
We were highly commended for 'Helping more people to have their say' at the 2019 Healthwatch Network awards for our children and young people's mental health project.
Every year, the Healthwatch Network Awards celebrate the many positive stories of how the local Healthwatch network is helping to make care better for thousands of people.
Helping expectant/recent mums and their partners access better mental health support
We worked together with Sutton CCG and the local perinatal mental health group to design and deliver a survey to find out about the mental health needs of expectant/recent mums and their partners.
Over 300 women and their partners shared their story with us.
Our research found that:
- 69% felt they had not received enough or any information about mental health support.
- 71% thought there was not enough support for partners.
- 73% told us they would prefer to access support online.
Care Homes Project
Our Enter and View volunteers carried out their first Enter and View visit to Crossways Nursing Care Home.
They spoke to 6 residents, 4 staff members, 4 relatives and the manager.
We are currently in the process of planning 10 future visits to care homes in the Borough, however understandably, these visits have been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you require this report in an alternative format, please get in touch with us via email info@healthwatchsutton.org.uk or call 07726 874282.