Complete the survey

To understand how we will use your information read the 'How we use this information' at the end of the page.

We only deal with health and care services in the London Borough of Sutton. If you live outside Sutton, you can find your local Healthwatch here.

1. Which area of care would you like to tell us about? (You can select more than one.)
3. Who had this experience?

About you

We'd like to know more about you so we can better understand how health and care services affect different groups of people. This helps us ensure that services are delivered to all parts of the community. All these questions are optional.

8. Your gender
9. Is your gender (male or female) the same as the one recorded when you were born?
10. Your sexual orientation
11. Your ethnicity
13. Do any of the following apply to you?

How we use your information

The information you share with us helps us spot trends to identify areas for improvement. We may use quotes in our reports, but we will not use any information that will identify you. Find out more about how we handle your information in our privacy statement

Staying in touch

Can we use your story for the media?

To promote our campaigns we sometimes use people's stories as case studies to show what needs to change. We would contact you before doing this, and would edit what you say so no one can be identified.

14. Would you be happy for us to include your experience as a case study?

When we publish press releases about our research, newspapers, radio or TV sometimes ask if we have people who can be interviewed about what happened to them. Would you consider doing this? We won’t pass on your name and contact details to the media without speaking to you first about what it involves.

15. Would you consider being interviewed by the media?
16. Should we add you to our mailing list?
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