Join as a member

Join us as a member and receive regular updates about our work, invites to our events and a chance to share your feedback.


Becoming a member is simple

Membership is open to:

  • people who live or work in Sutton
  • representatives of local voluntary and community organisations

To become a Healthwatch Sutton member, complete the short form below.

For any questions about membership, please contact

Membership type

Please select the type of membership you would like to sign up for

If you are setting up an organisational membership, please tell us which organisation you work for.
Tell us your first name
Tell us your last name.
Areas of interest

As part of Healthwatch membership we send out information and occasionally ask for your feedback and invite members to events. To ensure we keep you informed with the information you're interested in, please tick your areas of interest.

If you have different or additional areas of interest, please provide details.

Tell us more about you

By telling us more information about yourself, you will help us better understand our membership base. However, if you do not wish to answer these questions you do not have to.
Tick the option that best fits how you would describe yourself
Pick the option that fits your age group
Tick the option that you best feels represents your ethnicity
Tick yes or no depending on whether you consider yourself to have a disability or not
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.