Annual Report 2019-20: Guided by You

Today, we publish our Annual Report celebrating our achievements in helping more people to have their say and improving health and social care services in Sutton.

This Annual Report covers our extensive and ever-changing involvement in the highly integrated health and social care community in Sutton.

David Williams, Healthwatch Sutton Chair

We are proud to present our Annual Report, Guided by you, which celebrates our achievements over the past 12 months. 

The report highlights how local people's views, experiences and ideas have helped to shape and improve health and social care services, and make a difference to the care and support people receive in Sutton.

Our year in numbers 

  • Last year, over 1,600 people shared their views, ideas and experiences about health and social care with us. 
  • We helped 1,098 people access Healthwatch advice and information online, by phone and face-to-face. 
  • Our volunteers gave up over 2000 hours to help us carry out our work. 
  • We published reports about the improvements people would like to see with their health and social care. 
  • We used this information to make recommendations to services about the improvements people want to see. 

Pete Flavell, CEO, Healthwatch Sutton, said: 

"A huge thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts with us over the last year. Our work would not be possible without you. Please continue to share your health and social care stories with us - you are helping to make a real difference."


Read our annual report 

Read our annual report - Guided by you - to find out more about our work between 2019 and 2020. 

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